Weihnachtsdorf Hannover


Yes, there is a wide selection at the Hannover Christmas market. Winter main dishes as well as desserts can be found as vegetarian and vegan variants at the market. In addition, the delicious organic mulled wine from a Palatinate vintner's own recipe is also vegan.

Yes, dogs may be taken to the Hanover Christmas Market. However, we ask you to assess for yourself whether the animal feels comfortable at a Christmas market and to make the carrying dependent on the number of visitors.

Sanifair facilities are located in the station building about 100 meters away and are available to visitors of the Hannover Christmas Market.

Der Weihnachtsmarkt Hannover öffnet seine magischen Tore am Montag, den 25. November 2024. Bis zum 30. Dezember 2024 kann der winterliche Wohlfühlort jeden Tag von 11 bis 21 Uhr genossen werden. Ausnahmen sind lediglich Heiligabend und der erste Weihnachtsfeiertag. Am 24. Dezember ist der Weihnachtsmarkt Hannover bis 14 Uhr geöffnet, am 25. Dezember bleibt er ganztags geschlossen.

The market is located at Ernst-August-Platz, in front of Hannover's main train station and is best reached by public transport to the station of the same name. Those arriving by car can park their vehicle in the surrounding parking garages.

The HanNover Christmas Market is always on the lookout for exceptional merchants. Whether an extraordinary assortment, handicraft products or products with on-site production - we are looking for something special! Regional, small and particularly innovative traders can present themselves at the Hanover Christmas Market even for only one week. Applications can be sent without deadline to mailto:maerkte@roncalli.de gesendet werden.

Workers are always welcome at the Christmas Market Hannover. We will be happy to forward your application to the appropriate traders and caterers and would need the following information: Name, address, phone number, age, preferred working hours, info on professional status and professional experience if applicable. Applications can be sent to mailto:g.weger@roncalli.de gesendet werden.